Friday, February 19, 2010


Hey all, I took a trip in mid-January to Ajantha and Ellora to see some really cool cave temples.

Ajantha dates back to 2 BC, and Ellora was built between 6-8 AD. Ajantha is two kinds of Buddhist prayer rooms (chaitya grihas) and monestaries (vihanas) from the Hinayana and Mahayana periods, and Ellora is three groups of Jain, Hindu, and Buddhist temples.

Here's the link:
India 4--Cave Temple Adventure

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic!! So glad that you saw these cave temples. Just last week we were looking at images from these caves in Theatre HIstory 1. I mentioned that I hoped you might be able to visit them while there--and you have! Hope all is going well.
