Tuesday, March 30, 2010


News so much better than scrabble:

1. Went to a Thai dance performance, which was amazing. Was surprised when my friends that joined me ended up with extra tickets to go see an incredibly talented French R&B/Reggae band organized by Alliance Francaise, a local concert sponsor/organizer folk.

I wasn't looking particularly attractive in my baggy cotton pants and glasses, but I had a corny "saw you from across the dance floor" moment and ended up making friends with this French guy named Olivier who is doing his internship with Alliance Francaise. He said my French, although limited, sounded perfect, which if you know any French folk, this is a big compliment. I'm pretty sure it was the awful cranberry-and-vodka I had. (They make it with cranberry flavored syrup here--blek!) Anyway, made a friend, made a connection for future internship plans. And I practiced my French!

2. I WAS ACCEPTED INTO THE SUMMER AT THE GLOBE ACTING SHAKESPEARE WORKSHOP!!!!! I can't stop thinking about it. India first, then London. GAH. One step at a time. As my friend Jim Goble said, "You can't be in both places at one. It didn't work for the British, and it won't work for you." Haha!

England is my future home. I know it. I've known it since I set foot off the plane my first time abroad in 2006 with Iowa Ambassadors of Music. I felt it. I'm planning on going to grad school somewhere in England. This summer I'll be saying hello to the rest of my life.

3. Jack and Mike have offered a directing position to me for the upcoming season...on the mainstage! My first reaction was, "Wait, that's usually reserved for juniors and seniors" forgetting that I was obviously going to be a senior next fall (scary).

They want a show that will allow for upperclassmen role models and freshmen opportunities. They've opted for "The Odd Couple" male and female versions in repertory, directed by John Gleason Teske and myself, respectively. I told them we should document it and call it "The Odd Couple--Director's Version."

GAH! My life rocks.

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